Nothing but good times with half the crew and a bunch of friends from Europe all headed to SD to get some. Jump in the van.
All Photos by Gabe Morford
Video by Jeremy McNamara & Tim Fulton
Welcome to SD!

Didn’t take long before Justin had to pick his nose…

Big Rig tried to go through the wall.

Good way to start the trip!

Willy eyes up the next spot.

Time to sit and watch.

Who’s the most gear dude? Obviously Jeremy McNamara aka Fly Boy.

That didn’t take long…

The whole squad wanted a piece of this ditch.

Justin don’t quit…

Ishod got a few clips. Kicky Wallride to start one of them.

Sprung a leak.

On to the next spot. Sidewalk kicker to fence. Lets go!

Advanced spot fixing technologies. Fred Flinstone would be proud.

It’s looking good.

Bang, Bang!

Harry Lintell gets the first grind in!

Not without it’s hazards.

Let’s go Hermann!

Look Ma, no hands.

Fuck yes! Wait till you see his new part…

Where to next?

All smiles.

FS Flip into the grass? Pete rolled away too!

Whatchya got?

Hermann takes it to the street!

Footy Check. Tim Fulton nailing it as always.

Time to hit the bar. Ishod Lipslide to start it off.

Harry takes the Frontboard to Fakie.

All in a nights work for Ishod.

How they’re supposed to look.

The crew was hungry for rails. Hermann Backside 5-0’d a doozy.

The knobs didn’t stop Harry from stomping this Frontboard.

And the Fake Security guard didn’t stop Jafin Garvey from getting his Backlip either.

You know Zion was in the mix! Front Feeble. Watch out Tim!

Hermann was crushing it on this trip. Back Noseblunt to seal the deal.

For the homies!

Until next time!