Real Skateboards – Through and Through

What we got when we set out with no video plans in mind other than to have fun and skate with the crew… 17 minutes of skateboarding.


Kyle Walker
Justin Brock
Ishod Wair
JT Aultz
James Hardy
Dennis Busenitz
Chima Ferguson
Jake Donnelly
Davis Torgerson
Peter Ramondetta
Ernie Torres
Max Schaaf
Robbie Brockel
Massimo Cavedoni
Antoine Asselin
Jake Ruiz
Jack Olson


Do skateboarding to pass
Real van life
Chima Ferguson
Davis Torgerson with mad angles
Desnnis Busenitz nosegrind pop out
Robbie Brockel back smith
Justin Brock wallride
Ishod Wair lipslide
Ishod Wair tailslide
Kyle Walker front board
Ditch days
Ernie Torres 50-50
Dennis Busenitz dumpster hop
Jack Olson nosegrind pop out
Jake, Robbie, and Davis
Robbie Brockel front board
Robbie brockel front board through knob
Robbie Brockel fromt board damage
Ishod Wair crooked grind
Ishod Wair 20 stairs worth high fives
iPhone footie review
Ishod Wair blunt slide
Ishod Wair
Ishod Wair switch 50-50 through kink
Ernie Torres nose manual nollie flip out
Jake - You mad?
Justin Brock
Robbie Brockel front blunt
Justin vs Skatestoppers
Skatestoppers never win
Justin Brock Smith grind
Justin Brock handles it
Peter Ramondetta 5-0
Robbie Brockel backside lipslide
Ishod Wair lipslide
Ishod Wair 5-0 through kink
Jack Olson gap to nosegrind
Jake Donnelly hardflip
Justin Brock vs. mall cops
Ishod Wair 50-50
Skateboarding is #1
Robbie Brockel nosegrind
Max Schaaf tail grab
Robbie Brockel airs it out
Robbie Brockel backside 5-0 through kink
Robbie Brockel blunt slide
Robbie Brockel backside air
Robbie Brockel gap to backside nosegrind
Ishod Wair frontside blunt
Kyle Walker ollie
Jack Olson front blunt shuv it
Dennis Busenitz frontside boardslide
All photos by Gabe Morford